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Welcome to Longnecker Communications

Do you ever wish you knew what your fur-baby was saying? Or that you could talk to your pets one more time after they cross the rainbow bridge? I’m here to tell you both these things are possible, and they’re just a phone call away. I know - it sounds impossible. But I promise, it's not. Keep reading to find out more!


Appointments available worldwide - SCHEDULE TODAY!

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About Christine 

It’s been a long journey discovering my ability to communicate with animals. I’ve always loved them, and I’ve always been more sensitive to energies than most people. I sought to better understand myself through years of exploration in energy healing classes, mediumship circles, and training with alternative thinkers. It all clicked one day when I walked into the barn to teach horseback riding lessons, and a horse popped her head out of a stall and, clear as day, started talking to me.


I assumed people would think I was crazy, so I mostly kept this gift to myself as I sought to develop and strengthen it. Then COVID hit. Like many small business owners, I needed to find a way to make a living while the world was shut down. By then, I was able to confidently communicate remotely, so I decided to take the plunge and market communications to the world while we were all at home with our pets and wondering what they were saying.


The COVID lockdown turned in to one of the highlights of my career. Many rave reviews later, I’ve never felt more fulfilled.


So, how does it work? With just a picture and a name, we can schedule a phone call and have a “chat” with your animal, no matter where in the world or universe you - or they - are. Hundreds of animals have worked through me to communicate with their people, and Every. Single. Time. it has been the most amazing experience for me, for them, and for the people who love them. Dogs, cats, horses, cows, chickens, birds, fish, rabbits, donkeys - you name it, I’ve talked to them. 


And I want to talk to your animals, too. Schedule today - I can’t wait to talk to you and your fur-kids! 

Christine and her Heart Horse, Epp


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